LMQ have been training high performance teams for over 38 years

LMQ  uses innovative blue sky thinking

LMQ were the first company to help the NHS introduce effective simulator training

LMQ have been supporting offshore helicopter operations and UK SAR for 20 years.

LMQ designed and developed the new Airbus Pilot Instructor Course

LMQ have delivered training programmes in every continent

LMQ training is relaxed and interactive

What we do

We design and deliver exceptional and unique training courses to help safety critical and high reliability organisations improve both safety, efficiency and effectiveness by developing skills that improve both individual and team performance.

Who we do it for

how we do it

We design and deliver training courses to help organisations improve both safety, efficiency and effectiveness by developing skills that improve individual and team performance.

  • Open courses
  • In house courses
  • Licenses


We have worked with Airbus for over 10 years.

Big thumbs up for the new A350 Flight Crew Training courses by the authorities. You were a very, very strong contributor to this process, and I'd like to thank you personally for this. Today all SFIs carry the spirit and you paved the way to it.


We have worked with all Bristow worldwide operations for over 20 years.

My first training debriefing following your course resulted in an extraordinary event. The crew without prompting stood up, shook my hand and said that was the best training flight they have ever had.

Barts Hospital

We helped Barts set up the UK's first simulator facility, and trained their faculty in debriefing with a focus on non-technical skills.

The course was well evaluated and the 'novice' instructors can't wait to put into practice what they have learnt.

Qatar Airways

We trained all Qatar Airways instructors in preparation for EBT.

LMQ's contribution is not just running instructor courses for us. Your contribution to aviation is far greater and will positively impact safety worldwide.

UK Civil Aviation Authority

LMQ trained flight ops inspectors in facilitation skills.

I found the presentations quite remarkable, totally thorough, fascinating, relevant and very interesting. Further, it changed my perception of several issues, some relating directly to aviation, and some that fitted into overall 'lifeskills', but all very apposite to the job. Overall, this was one of the best courses I can remember completing.

National Air Traffic Services

Preparation for Operational Change.

Do not underestimate the effect you have had on our organisation.

World Food Programme

LMQ have provided Leadership and Management training in support of humanitarian operations, and have been selected as the preferred Human Factors Training supplier.

Your training on Management and Leadership was excellent, delivered with practical scenarios and pitched with a high sense of humour.

What clients say

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